Our platform makes finding any company in the world as simple as entering the first three letters and the drop-down selection will enable you to query immediately.
Quickly lock-on and establish persistent monitoring for risks across Infrastructure, People, and Environment.
Does this company have cyber attack surface risk? Does the supply chain have potential for disruption? Are there geopolitical risks? Do any former employees have an axe to grind? What is happening over the past three hours, or three weeks?
With hundreds of millions of data points continuously monitored and synthesized in our advanced AI data lake, we are able to provide near real-time visibility to global business risk on-demand for the largest organizations in the world.
Our platform makes finding any company in the world as simple as entering the first three letters and the drop-down selection will enable you to query immediately.
Quickly lock-on and establish persistent monitoring for risks across Infrastructure, People, and Environment.
Does this company have cyber attack surface risk? Does the supply chain have potential for disruption? Are there geopolitical risks? Do any former employees have an axe to grind? What is happening over the past three hours, or three weeks?
With hundreds of millions of data points continuously monitored and synthesized in our advanced AI data lake, we are able to provide near real-time visibility to global business risk on-demand for the largest organizations in the world.
Patent-pending methods for identifying cyber, operational and geopolitical risk using advanced AI algorithms.